Looking for God in all the Right Places


 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

When you think about the word “seek or seeking” what kinds of thoughts or memories are conjured up for you? I think of my childhood playing hide and seek with my brother and sister, we had a huge backyard with lots of great hiding places. We would play for hours on those long summer evenings. Or perhaps hiking on an adventure through the woods or in the wilderness never certain what was around the next corner. Seeking is definitely a active word, it is something we can engage in, we step into, and to “seek first”, well that definitely gives it weight, importance and priority.  


So we are searching out God and His Kingdom. But where do we look?

The writer, philosopher, and Christian thinker Dallas Willard has helped me enormously with this idea of seeking the kingdom and kingdom living. Dallas explained this verse (Matt 6:34) this way, “Find out what God is doing and go do it with Him” 

I have found in many powerful ways it is through service and surrender that I find Him and His kingdom.

Take a moment to consider how God might want you to seek Him, perhaps close your eyes for a moment, calm your breath and ask simply, “Lord, how can I seek and find you?”

 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 

What is God doing around you? Amongst your family and friends? Your work place? Your church?

How can you be part of what He is doing, right here, right now? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts and where you have found God, what He is teaching and calling you too.

email me at tim@lasfloreschurch.com     

Tim Hickson